My Refuge and My Strength

 Scripture For The Day 

February 14th, 2024 

"My Refuge and My Strength" 

Before I even got out of bed this morning I began asking The Lord to help me. I asked Him what the best thing was to do. I told Him that I couldn't do this on my own. What 'this' is doesn't matter. Because every single one of us is struggling with something. A constant prayer should be to pray for each other. There by The Grace of God, go I, is something that stays on my heart. Because no matter what is going on, I know things could always get worse. So, I look for the joy in the moments. I choose to have fun. I choose to celebrate life. I will go down swinging in spite of the 'whatever's' and the 'this's'. 

This morning, Psalm 46 is speaking to my heart. God is my refuge and my strength. How anyone gets by in life without Him is beyond me.  He is always ready to help in times of trouble. Just reach out and speak The Name of Jesus. There's no need to fear because He is always with us. In the good days and the not-so-good days. His city will never be destroyed. He never sleeps and is waiting right there even before the sun rises. It doesn't matter what the world says. It doesn't matter what the atheists say. God was and is and always will be. His existence doesn't rely on us. But ours relies on Him. Just look at all the wonderful things He has done and be comforted knowing that He's not done yet. Yes,, the enemy is on the prowl and sometimes seems to be winning. But he is not the one in control. Our God is!!! and He is with us!!!

Thank You, Lord for being my very first Valentine! and loving me, especially when I struggle to love myself. 


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