Go To The Lord, Once Again!"

Scripture For The Day 

 July 8, 2022

"Go To The LORD, Once Again!" 

Through no fault of his own, David was fleeing for his life. Not because he couldn’t handle it. Not because he was a wimp. After all, he killed a giant and many others with The Help of The Lord. But King Saul was anointed as King. And David didn’t take that lightly. He had respect, even if Saul had no respect for him. But David wasn’t alone. He had an entourage of men that stayed with him.  David was not only responsible for taking care of himself, it was his honor and duty to take care of his men.            1 Samuel 23 tells us that David was once again dealing with enemies.

The Philistines were fighting against the city of Keilah. They were robbing the people. David could have looked the other way and minded his own business. But protecting the people was his business. So, he went to The Lord. “Should I go and fight these Philistines?” The Lord answered David, “Yes, go attack the Philistines. Save Keilah.” But David’s men were afraid, they said to him, “We are afraid right here in Judah; how much more afraid will you think we will be to go to Keilah and stand against the Philistine army that is lined up and ready to fight?”

David didn’t get mad at his men. He didn’t tell them to just do what I say. He went back to The LORD. He could have ordered his men to attack anyway. But he wanted to make sure. He wasn’t questioning God. He was doubting for a moment that maybe, just maybe, he didn’t understand or hear correctly. He had a responsibility to his men. So, if he misunderstood God then he could put his people in danger. He just needed to know for sure.  And God told him once again to go to battle.  And of course, David and his men saved the inhabitants of Keilah.

Way too often, we think we know what God is telling us. In this case, David was correct. But sometimes, we misunderstand. Sometimes, we jump the gun. Sometimes, it’s actually what we want to do or not do, and we use God as an excuse for a ‘feeling’.

There’s nothing wrong with going back and seeking The Lord to make sure you heard correctly. David didn’t scold his men for questioning and God didn’t scold David either. Maybe, we all need to take the time to make sure we are hearing God correctly before we jump head first into a situation that could cause others to be hurt or a ministry to be hurt because of wrong choices that are made. Let’s go to God again.

“Then David enquired of The LORD yet again….” 1 Samuel 23:1-6 


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