He's Not Moved. You Have!!!

Scripture For The Day  

July 19, 2022

"He's Not Moved. You Have!!!"

The Philistines were preparing for war. They were going to attack Israel. Saul and his army were preparing as well. But when Saul saw the enemy’s army, he became afraid. He began to pray to The Lord for help and guidance. But God would not answer him. The Bible doesn’t say that God ‘couldn’t’ answer him. It says He didn’t answer him. God refused to talk to Saul. So, Saul resorted to going to a medium to get his answers. 1 Samuel 28:1-7

Why did God refuse to answer him? He wouldn’t even give him a ‘No’ answer. He ignored Saul completely. Which resulted in Saul seeking answers from the underworld. Does that seem fair?

Well, yes it is fair! Saul had not repented of his sins. He was still trying to persecute an innocent man; a man that was loved by God. Saul was still full of arrogance and self-importance. He was not humble by any means. It was all about him. Isaiah 59:2 tells us “But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear.”

When it feels like God is not listening it’s probably because we have stopped listening to Him. Our sin separates us from God. There needs to be true repentance. This is for the Child of God as much as it is for the unbeliever. Our sin separates us from God. The difference is GRACE and with Grace we can be forgiven and grow in Him. But a Child of God still needs to be away that sin will still separate us from having a good relationship with The Lord. 

It reminds me of something a preacher once said: He and his wife were going somewhere in their pickup and she was on the other side of the seat, close to the window and she said “Do you remember when we were young and we would sit closer together?” And he turned to his wife as he was driving and said “I’m not the one that moved away”

God does not move away from us. We move away from Him. We allow sin to creep inside of our hearts to the point that we don’t feel Him as much as we used to. That unconfessed sin becomes a barrier in our relationship with The Lord. Sometimes, to the point that we allow our sin to push us even further away from Him.

Are you feeling like God has quit listening to you? Have you examined your heart lately? When we accept Jesus into our hearts we are promised that The Lord will never leave us or forsake us. So, if you are feeling forsaken, the problem isn’t with Him, it’s with you. Seek His Face! Ask for forgiveness. Change your heart and change your ways.

He’s not moved. You Have!!!  


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