He is With You

Scripture For The Day  

August 17, 2022

"He is With You"

God said “I am with you… Be Strong!” – fear not – Haggai 2:4, 5 His Spirit remains with us. God gave Haggai a message of encouragement to the people. He encouraged the people to be strong and united in their work for The Lord. They were worrying over their homes and families. They didn’t know how they would make ends meet. They were afraid.

Everyone is afraid of something. Everyone struggles. But with The Lord, we don’t have to LIVE in that fear. Fear threatens to knock us down, taking our strength and our peace. Sometimes, to the point that we feel like we are drowning in our worries and frustrations. But over and over again in His Word, He tells us “Do Not Be Afraid” “Be Strong” “Be Courageous”.  Easier said than done at times I know, especially when your worry is for a loved one. But it can still be done. 

According to James F. Bell “fear is an insidious virus. Given a breeding place in our minds, it will permeate the whole body of our work; it will eat away our spirit and block the forward path of our endeavors. Fear is the greatest enemy of progress… “

It's normal for people to worry over their families. When the economy gets bad or when health issues crop up. Or even through normal daily struggles, we can’t help but worry over our loved ones. But God says “I am with you… Be Strong… Fear Not” This will Pass. It may seem like forever, but it is just a blink of an eye to The LORD. I’m a firm believer in taking things one day at a time. Yes, I plan for the future. Yes, I even schedule things. But I choose to not worry over all the what-ifs of the years to come. Instead, I purposefully focus on today, and today, I am Trusting The LORD to show me the way.

Senator John McCain wrote “Courage is like a muscle. The more we exercise it, the stronger it gets”

We are all just works in progress that struggles more than we care to. We can’t make others do what is best for them. Too often, we, ourselves, don’t do what is best for us. But we can pray. We can Trust God. We can seek His Face every moment and find Peace in Him when circumstances threaten to keep our stomachs in knots.   We can exercise that muscle every single day by seeking The LORD, and searching His Word. We can find comfort and peace and strength In Him and through Him no matter what we may be fearing.

Look up, Child, seek His Face. Be Strong and Fear Not. He is with you! This will pass. 


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