I Will Celebrate

Scripture For The Day  

August 26, 2022

"I Will Celebrate" 

The day that Uzzah was killed, David felt defeated and said ‘forget it, leave the ark. He was frustrated and hurt that God would allow this to happen. He was only trying to do something for The LORD. His intentions were good but he handled it wrong. He didn’t follow through with what The Lord had put in place, and it turned out horribly. After three months of seeking The LORD and hearing of the blessings of the household where the ark resided, David tried again. But this time, he went with an obedient heart. He honored The LORD every step of the way and David rejoiced. He danced with all of his might while the people shouted and trumpets blared.  While entering the city of Jerusalem, Michal, David’s wife and daughter of Saul heard the racket and looked out the window. She was appalled. How could he? There was David dancing before the LORD and she hated him for it. The ark was placed into the tent, the sacrifices were made, respects were given, honor was shown, and David blessed the people in the name of The Lord and gave them gifts of food. It was a grand celebration. David was on cloud nine. It was time to go home and he was still overjoyed and ready to bless his own household.

But Michal was waiting for him…” How could you? Some king you are, going around half-naked in full view of the slave girls like any other vulgar man would do.” Can you just hear David’s balloon deflating? Then he let her have it. “It was before The LORD, that I was chosen as king. He chose me over your dad and I am living that life right now. I WILL celebrate before The Lord. I will become even more undignified than that and nothing and no one will stop me. But those slave girls, as you call them, will look at me with honor, more than what you are doing right now. So, stay in your lane, woman. This was between me and my Lord” (paraphrased of course) 2 Samuel 6

Child of God, it’s about the heart. Worship Him, honestly and sincerely, and worship The Lord, in your prayer closet and in the church and in the public eye. Don’t worry about what others say or think. It’s all about Jesus, anyway. So, Get your dance on and be overjoyed.

 But, maybe wear some clothes while you're at it.😊 


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