Nothing is Too Hard For Jesus

Scripture For The Day 

 August 30, 2022

A.B. Simpson, a pastor, was approaching middle age. He was broken in health and his spirit became so low that he was ready to quit the ministry. One day he heard a spiritual song…”Nothing is too hard for Jesus, No man can work like Him” He later turned this old spiritual into a hymn. This spiritual message spoke to his heart in a way that he was never the same afterward. He worked for The LORD thirty-five more years after that moment of clarity and then he slipped into a coma and died. Before he did, his last words were to God, praying for the missionaries and others he felt responsible for. His Faith helped him to carry on when his body felt like giving up.

“Oft there comes a wondrous message when my hopes are growing dim, I can hear it thro’ the darkness, like some sweet and far-off hymn. Nothing is too hard for Jesus, No man can work like Him; Nothing is too hard for Jesus, No man can work like Him”  

I’ve had those moments myself of feeling like giving up. People can be frustrating, we, ourselves are frustrating and the struggles of life and health are Real. But just like Jeremiah told us in Jeremiah 32:17 “Ah LORD God! Behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by Thy Great Power and Stretched out arm, and there is NOTHING too hard for Thee: “ Jesus tells us Himself in Matthew 19:26 “With men this is impossible, but with God ALL things are possible”. I’m not going to assume I know the future. But He has proven Himself time and time again, though He has no need to. And because of His Love for us, He will make a way when the way seems impossible. He will lift us up when our bodies are bringing us down. He can make our spirits soar when our faith is at its lowest. Because ... NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR JESUS, NO MAN CAN WORK LIKE HIM!

Thank You, Jesus, Thank You, JESUS! 


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