I'm Either Not Enough or Too Much

Scripture For The Day 

September 30, 2022 

"I'm Either Not Enough or Too Much"  

‘Over the years, I’ve had the hardest time figuring out where I belong. I’ll think, This is it! And the next thing I know, that hostile dog of insecurity starts nipping at my heels again, telling me I’m out of place. I’m either not enough or too much almost everywhere I go… I’m forever searching for a place that fits me like a glove’- Beth Moore from “Chasing Vines”

 “I’m either not enough or too much” … It’s like she was reading my mind. It’s a Blessing to have a ‘tribe’. They remain your people through the good, the bad, and the ugly. They’ve been there for your giggles and they stay through your frustrations and less-than-perfect moments. But you won’t find that everywhere. In my SS class this past Sunday, I shared with the students that even Jesus was rejected in His hometown. If people rejected Jesus, who are we to get so upset when people reject us?  The people in his hometown were enraptured at first. But because He didn’t mince words while teaching, they got offended and soon became enraged. “isn’t this the son of Mary?” … Who does He think He is?” ‘How dare He!’ and soon they were threatening to throw Him off a cliff. Sometimes familiarity can make it difficult to change hearts. We are stubborn people.

 Jesus challenged their way of thinking and believing but they couldn’t get past themselves. So, if fitting in means accepting the status quo as the way to go, then Child of God, we are seeking joy in all the wrong places. We are not meant to go along to get along. Standing up for what you believe The LORD puts on your heart will not always be accepted, even among other believers. There is no such thing as a perfect church because we are all imperfect people. So, stop worrying about what others think and keep standing up for what you believe The LORD is telling you, and stop listening to the lies of the enemy. Don’t try to act like someone you are not. We are all one big hot mess and none of us will have all the answers we seek on this earth. But The Only answer that truly matters is JESUS. And if Jesus was rejected, it’s guaranteed you will be too. Look up child, you belong to Him, and that's where you fit in. 

 “If the world hates you, remember that they hated me first. If you belonged to the world, the world would love you as it loves its own people. But I have chosen you to be different from those in the world. So you don’t belong to the world, you belong to me, and that is why the world hates you…If people treated me badly, they will treat you badly too…” – John 15:18-20


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