Search Me and Try Me

Scripture For The Day 

 September 23, 2022

"Search Me and Try Me"  

“Search me, O God, and know (examine) my heart: try me (test me) and know all my thoughts (and worries). Make sure I’m not going the wrong way, and lead me in the way everlasting” – Psalm 139:23-24 

Search my heart, O God. No one is above sin. Our hearts need to be continually examined. It’s too easy to fall into sin. First, a thought. Then words. Then deeds. But it all begins with that thought. I know this world feels so frightening anymore. I mean, we just thought we had it bad a decade ago. We could never have imagined the sin that is now being accepted as okay. I never in my life knew there were so many categories to gender and what you identify with. It’s insane. Some people might think it can’t get any worse. Sadly, it can and will and continues to every day.  And though we are aware of that fact, when we hear something outrageous that is being accepted as ‘normal’ we are shocked again. Sometimes, we may be tempted to be discouraged. But Child of God, with Jesus Christ we have VICTORY. This is not our home. We are just passing through. Let us draw closer to Him daily, keep our thoughts in check, and keep our hearts focused on His Blessings.  And pray for the lost and confused souls. People need The Lord. 

My heart goes back this morning to a small, interior room, I used to go to church around twenty years ago. A small ladies group would gather together to draw closer to The Lord and closer to each other. It was humbling and intimate. I shared things within those walls that I had never shared before in my life and in that precious time, I learned what it meant to be a Sister in Christ. We could never have imagined the way our society has exploded in such a sinful frenzy. But here we are. Child of God, let’s rise above this sinful world, keeping our thoughts and hearts in check every single day. Stay Strong! There is Victory in Jesus. The song that we would close out with every week is on my heart this morning: .

“Change my heart oh God, Make it ever true, Change my heart, O God, May I be like You. You are the Potter, I am the clay, mold me and make me, this is what I pray.” 

Change my heart, O God. Search me and Try me. Lead me in Your Way. 


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