"Through The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly"

Scripture For The Day  

September 27, 2022

"Through The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" 

Lying on the hospital bed, staring up at the ceiling, I began to pray. After the third time of trying to get the IV needle in my vein and blowing out, the nurse asked, “Are you okay?”. “Yes,” I replied. “Just praying for The Lord to help and praying for Him to keep me relaxed”. “Well, it must be working,” she said. “Because you’re very calm, I apologize for having to stick you so many times” I apologized to her for being so much trouble. As she proceeded to try again on the top of my right hand, I cringed. This time she was digging or ‘fishing’ as my hubby calls it and it hurt quite a bit. Slowly and softly, without wanting to, tears began to flow down my cheek. No one noticed because I didn’t make a sound but inside, I was crying “Lord, help me to stay in control of myself” Then I heard the nurse quietly whisper ‘Well, son of biscuit eater’ and I knew the vein had blown again. At this point, she decided to get help. I was dehydrated and my veins were very thin and valvy she said. The next nurse came in and failed but finally…sixth time is a charm. I woke up this morning thanking The LORD for being with me. This moment in time was nothing. Just something that had to be done. But I can’t shake the feeling that I need to acknowledge Him at this moment and testify How He never fails me. He is so Good. We’re not even able to scratch the surface of just how Good He is.  When He describes Himself, He even calls Himself Good.

One day, The LORD sent Moses up the mountain and the presence of God came down to Him. They met in the middle.“And the LORD passed by before him (Moses) and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, Merciful and Gracious, Longsuffering, and Abundant in GOODNESS and Truth… “ Exodus 34:6 My God is Good. He is so very Good.  He is Abundant in Goodness!!!

  Looking at the bruises on my arms and hands this morning I can’t help but think of how The LORD has always been with me through the good, the bad, and the ugly.  I don’t know the results yet of my tests, but no matter what, it doesn’t change the fact that God is Good and He is so Good to me. The lyrics of the new song by TobyMac “Goodness” is staying on my heart. “You made the rain, so when it falls on me, should I complain? Or feel you calling me? It’s all on me to stay, and really catch what You’re showin’ It’s my roots that You’re growin Cause life is more than this moment… Aint’ no doubt about You, Everywhere that I go, You keep showin’ up, Lord, You make me wanna shout it, oh, You’re the Goodness in my life…Through the good, and the bad, and the ugly, I can still see the sunshine above me. Lord, I love all the ways that You Love me, You’re the Good, You’re The Good, You’re the Goodness in my life.”

What’s He showing You today? 


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