Continue in Sin? God Forbid!

Scripture For The Day  

October 14, 2022

"Continue in Sin? God Forbid!"  

Nathan, God’s prophet at that time was sent to see David. 2 Samuel 12:1 begins with Nathan telling David a story about a man rich man that had everything but took the only female sheep that a poor man had. The poor man loved this little lamb. It belonged to him. The rich man didn’t want to use what he had to provide for a traveler so he took what the poor man had instead. Now picture this with me. King David is listening to this story and the righteous part of him is getting angry. “As The LORD lives, the man who did this should die! How horrible.!” I can just picture Nathan looking up into the eyes of King David and slowly, softly, saying – “You are this rich man! God says: I chose you to be king of Israel. I saved you. I even let you have all that he owned. And if that wasn’t enough, I gave you more.  So why did you do this thing?” David became ashamed. Nathan continued with God’s Words: “Why did you ignore my command? Why did you do what I say is wrong? Because of your disobedience, you will not have peace. When you took Uriah’s wife as your own, you showed that you did not respect me. I’m bringing you trouble. There will be consequences for your sin. You did what you did in secret but I will punish you for the people to see. What could David say, except “I have sinned against The LORD” Nathan told David that The LORD would forgive him. But he would have to deal with the consequences of what he did.  Soon, the baby became very sick. David prayed for the baby. He refused to eat or drink. He went to the house and laid himself, prostrate, on the ground all night long.  The family tried to get him up, but he refused. Soon, the baby died. The family feared what David would do to himself. But when he heard, he got up from the floor, washed, and got dressed. He went to The LORD’s house and worshiped Him. He then went home to eat. While the baby was alive, he still hoped for the best. But now the baby was gone. He said one day he would be with the baby again but not on earth. He said He had sinned against The LORD.   Bethsheba and David were blessed later on with another child and they called him… Solomon. 

This is a tough chapter and though we are now under Grace we will still deal with the bad choices we make even after we are saved. Why? Because we know better and The LORD expects to be respected by His children. Paul says it like this “What then? Shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under Grace? God forbid!!!” Romans 6:15 We are not to be of this world but transformed. He expects better from us. Despite what the enemy wants you to believe, It’s not okay to continue to live in sin. Be different. Be set apart. Be holy. Go and sin no more. Continue in sin? God Forbid! 


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