Scripture For The Day 

 October 11, 2022


Some days I don’t feel quite as strong as I should. My spirit feels down and I struggle to see my worth in The LORD. Though I have Victory in Jesus, I can still feel defeated. Gideon was the same way.  In Judges 6; we read how the disobedient Israelites were once again worshiping false idols. So, The LORD allowed the Midianites to defeat the Israelites for seven years. This enemy was powerful and cruel. The Israelites began to hide their food in order to keep the enemy from destroying their supplies. The Bible describes this enemy as being a swarm of locusts, innumerable and destructive. The Israelites became poverty-stricken and eventually cried out to The LORD for help. The LORD heard their cries and sent a prophet to explain why they were in this situation. At one point, the Angel of The LORD came to a man named Gideon, who was beating wheat into a winepress. He was hiding so that the Midianites wouldn’t see the wheat. The angel of The LORD appeared to Gideon and said, “The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valor”.

 Gideon doubted and questioned The LORD. Then when The LORD said He was sending Gideon to save his people, Gideon questioned Him again. But The LORD responded with “THE LORD IS WITH YOU, so you can defeat the enemy as easily as if they were one man” Gideon continued to seek proof that he was speaking with The LORD and faithful to His Nature, our Father remained patient and loving. Gideon went on to lead the people in the victory over the Midianites. Gideon didn’t feel like the Mighty Man of Valor that God had called him. He felt defeated before the battle began. He doubted. He questioned and he gave excuses. He was fearful. But Gideon was still obedient despite the fear. He wasn’t born a man of valor, God shaped and molded Gideon to become that man of valor.  

 God sees our flaws and still chooses to use us. There are times I just don’t feel strong enough to do what needs to be done. Thankfully He doesn’t rely on my strength but gives me His strength when I am too weak and want to give up.  I am a messy work in progress. But I am so Thankful that He still chooses to use me for His Glory in spite of the mess that I am. 

LORD, give us strength today to do what needs to be done with Grace, Mercy, and Love that can only come from you. Fight our battles and lead us in Your Truth. Keep molding us into who You have called us to be. In Jesus' Name, we pray, Amen! 


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