Who Said That?

 Scripture For The Day 

October 5th, 2022 

Who Said That? 

This morning I was dragging my feet. It was one of those nights that I couldn't seem to get any rest. I finally pulled myself out of bed, took a shower, got dress,ed and headed to the kitchen. Suddenly, a small voice cried out from the living room; "Do you wanna play with me?" I stopped in my tracks and nearly passed out I was still so tired and not thinking straight. The voice went on "Let's work on our shapes." Oh, good grief, I said to myself and I followed the sound of the voice until I came to my youngest grandson's leapfrog toy sitting on his walker. I picked it up and switched it off because I didn't want it freaking me out like that again. 

My daughter is probably laughing her head off right now as she pictures the scene. But aren't we all a bit like that? God speaks to our hearts in that Still Small Voice. We become frightened at what we are hearing and then we shut Him off because we don't want to hear His Voice. If we're honest, I believe we all are guilty of that. and because of shutting His Voice off we miss out on so many Blessings and Opportunities. 

Let's not miss out on Blessings and Opportunities today.

"and behold, the LORD passed by and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a STILL SMALL VOICE.' - 1 Kings 19:12 

 Listen to His Still Small Voice. Don't turn Him off! 


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