Be Vigilant


Scripture For The Day 

November 1, 2022

"Be Vigilant"  

He stands in the middle of the crowded room and feels like no one sees him at all. He’s invisible. At least that’s what it feels like. Despite her insecurities, she shares her heart but then no one responds, only…crickets.  They are showing up but are they learning? Are they growing? Or are they leaving longing for more? And with even more questions?  This is not the world. This is the church. The enemy is on the warpath and his goal is to keep the family of God too busy for God’s Word. What better way to keep people from growing in His Word than to keep them distracted with things that don’t really matter. His goal is to make people feel unloved and feel like they don’t belong and keep them from growing in The LORD. Keep us distracted so we won’t see what is really happening. Keep us from reaching out to others. Keep us from caring when someone hurts. Keep us from digging deeper into The Word of God. Distractions will lead to deconstruction.   

Deconstruction of the church has been a topic I’ve been hearing a lot about lately. This global event was foretold centuries ago in His Word. People are leaving in droves and if they aren’t leaving physically, they are leaving mentally.  When we fail to deal with the difficult questions about our faith, we are setting up our children to be drawn away. When we fail to utilize every opportunity to teach His Word and allow mindless distractions to take priority, we are allowing the enemy to be in control and not the Spirit of God. It happens in multimillion-dollar mega-churches, feeling alone in the crowd and that no one cares if they are there or not. But it also happens in average-sized churches and yes, it even happens in small country family-based churches. People are struggling and the enemy wants to keep the eyes of the church blinded from what is really going on, so the struggle continues and it becomes more and more superficial and we stop listening to The Truth.  Why aren’t people reaching out? Why aren’t we discipling and digging deeper into His Word at every opportunity we have? Truth be told If we do not go back to focusing on His Word and on Teaching His Word the enemy will gain ground within the church walls and sad to say more and more will fall away.

Let us light a fire and put a hunger for God’s Word in hearts, beginning with ours first. Only God’s Word will help us grow stronger and brighter in this dark world. Only JESUS.  

 Time to wake up before it's too late! Be Vigilant!  

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: refuse to follow the devil. Stand strong in your faith. “ – 1 Peter 5:8-9 


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