Two Are Better Than One

Scripture For The Day 

November 17, 2022

"Two are Better Than One"  

Relationships can be tough sometimes. But God created relationships. We were never meant to be alone. We are meant to encourage each other.  A conversation I had on the phone yesterday reminded me of how important is to encourage each other, even via a cell phone. Whoever is on the other end of that line has feelings, just like you do.  They matter. Whether it be via a call, a text, or a social media post, they matter as much as you do. In order to make it real, we need to ask ourselves would we respond differently if we were in the same room? Chances are, you would. It’s easier to ignore or be hateful when you don’t acknowledge the person on the other end of the phone as being someone who has feelings. Yesterday, I had to deal with some business over the phone. After, approximately three hours and five different people it was finally done. For the most part, they were all friendly and professional. But there was one young lady that I spoke with in which our conversation turned from the business. When she asked me if Tom and I were married, I said “Yes, for 38 years”. She stopped typing and said ‘Wow, I love to hear things like that. I have been married for 6 years” and I shared with her about how important it is to work on your marriage. It’s give and take and there are times when you have to be the one doing all the giving. It goes back and forth. There should never be a score card” She said “Oh, I love that and it’s so true” Our conversation got even more exciting when she found out that Tom was a preacher. When she asked about my income and I told her I have zero income but I am paid more than enough in Blessings upon Blessings because I get to watch my grandsons, she stopped typing again and I could tell that our conversation was speaking to her heart. I don’t know how difficult her day may have been by that point. But I do know that it’s so important that we recognize that life is tough enough without us being hateful to each other. Let’s try a little kindness instead. Encourage each other with love. I could have been hateful to these people for what I was having to deal with. But what good would that have done? and what kind of witness would that have been for The Lord? Hatefulness has no place in the heart of a Christian. Instead let’s ask what can I do for you, today? What can I do for Jesus? We have been Blessed with cell phones and computers.  But sadly, too often, they are not used for good. They could be used to reach out and encourage others but instead are often used to distract us, isolate us, and even allow people to be hurtful by the words that are typed or said or even hurtful by what is not said. We don’t have to be that way. Encourage each other today and let people hear your smile over the phone. Behave as if we are in the same room. What would you do differently?

"Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up." - Ecclesiastes 4


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