Blessed Are The Merciful

Scripture For The Day  

January 24, 2023

 “Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy” – Matthew 5:7 

Great Blessings belong to those who show mercy to others. 

MERCY – to show forgiveness and compassion. God’s Word speaks often about mercy. We are Blessed when we are merciful, after all, that is One of The Heavenly Father’s Characteristics. He has every right and all the authority to punish us for our sins. Yet, He grants us mercy when we seek forgiveness. We are forgiven and with that forgiveness, we are commanded to forgive others. We are commanded to show love and mercy to others. The other person may not deserve our mercy, just like we don’t deserve The mercy of God. But we are required to have mercy for others. We are to show God’s Love to everyone. When we make a point of walking in the footsteps of Christ we will have that desire to be more like Him. We might get frustrated. We might get angry. We might get worn out. But we can begin again and show mercy and compassion and The Love of Christ. That doesn’t mean we have to agree with everything. I do not believe in the adage “Go along to get along”. That is not even in God’s Word. We are not to go along with everything. There are times we will have to stand up for what we believe is right. But we can agree to disagree. We can love even when we disagree and we can show mercy toward each other.

Let us sincerely choose to be merciful and compassionate and forgiving towards others today. Let His Truth Reign for All to see. 


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