Blessed Are The Peacemakers

  Scripture For The Day 

January 31, 2023

 "Blessed Are The Peacemakers" 

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” – Matthew 5:9

Oh, those peacemakers. What would we do without them?  I dislike confrontations. If any type of fight would erupt around me when I was a little girl, I would break down in tears. I could feel the anger and sometimes rage and it would tear me up. My hubby has been known to compare me to a character on Star Trek; TNG because I “feel” emotions from others too much. I feel their pain. I feel their anger. I feel their frustrations. I feel their joy.  He has said often that it must be exhausting to be me. Lol and honestly it can be. But what does Jesus say a peacemaker is?

 The Greek word for peacemaker in this scripture is found in only ONE other place in the NT; Colossians 1:20. “And having “made peace” through the blood of His Cross, by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself; by Him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.”  A peacemaker is someone who reconciles others with God and with one another. We are called to stand up for what is right. We can disagree and still love each other. But we are always to reconcile ourselves back to God and with each other. It’s not a go-along-to-get-along mindset. It’s a call to break down walls, to wrestle the emotions, to show love even when you disagree. All the time, all the while, actively sharing The Word of God to bring peace.  Hebrews 12:14 tells us to follow peace- We should never desire conflict or get excited in stirring things up. But all the time Speak Life, Speak Love, Speak Peace, even when you disagree because we will disagree. “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see The LORD>”

 True Peace can only come from JESUS. He is the origin of Peace. He is PEACE. And when we accept Him into our hearts, we, all of us, take on the job of peacemakers. There are some ‘good’ people in this world that refuse to believe in God. They might bring worldly peace to conflicts. But again, TRUE PEACE can only come with a relationship with JESUS Christ. And only the children of God can share that True Peace with others. But sadly we fail that calling time and time again.

Child of God, let us bring Peace to this dying world. There is too much angst and conflict out there without us joining in. Speak LIFE, Speak Love, Speak Peace… Share JESUS! 


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