Blessed Are They Which Hunger and Thirst After Righteousness

Scripture For The Day 

 January 23, 2023

 “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” – Matthew 5:6

 Great Blessings belong to those who want to do right more than anything else. Besides, being an initial conviction of accepting Jesus into our hearts,  It’s also a deep desire to please The Lord. We fail time and time again because we are human and we are not perfect. But with Jesus in our hearts, we have the ability with the conviction and encouragement, and guidance of The Holy Spirit to lead a life that is pleasing to The Lord. Every day is a new beginning. It’s not about rules and regulations. It’s about choosing to do what’s right to honor Him. 

Jesus’ Sermon continues with wise advice for living as a true disciple of Christ. Each one is linked together. Have you noticed how everything always goes back to our hearts? Not the physical, beating organ that resides in our body. But our mindset, our emotional core, our essence. It all goes back to your heart.

Righteousness is a “Right” relationship with The LORD. We can be fed with The Holy Spirit. Our Thirst can be quenched with The same Water that Jesus offered the woman at the well.

He is telling us that when we actively seek a RIGHT relationship with The Lord that He will fill us up. We can only be satisfied through Him. and that true satisfaction will be completely fulfilled when we go home to be with Him. We can continue to eat and drink and live by His Word every single day of our lives.  Reminds me of a song...

“When my soul is singing in that promised land above Satisfied… I’ll be satisfied, I’ll be satisfied; When my soul is resting in the presence of The Lord, I’ll be Satisfied.” 

Let us hunger more for Him today than we did yesterday. 


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