Blessed Are The Persecuted...

Scripture For The Day 

February 1, 2023

 “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 5:10

 We live in an upside-down world. I'll say it again; this world has fallen down a rabbit hole where right is wrong and wrong is right. But despite what the world says, I will continue to focus on what God says every time. And that brings us to this beatitude… 

How can being persecuted make us blessed? It’s not about putting yourself in harm's way in order to feel blessed. It’s not about purposefully seeking to upset people because you believe you are right. It’s not about being a victim in some sort of attack. This is about Christians who are actively, purposefully, serving The Lord despite what the world says, even when you are standing alone, especially when you are standing alone. It’s not about being a ‘good’ person. There are many ‘good’ people in hell right this minute. But it’s a life that continually shines The Light of Jesus for this dark world to see. We have become desensitized over what it means to live ‘righteously’. We have once again become a stubborn people with;  ‘don’t’ tell me what to do’ or people who claim Christ ‘I can do whatever I want, I am saved’. And that statement is not for me to question or even judge. That is between you and The Lord’ but what I am called to do is to continue sharing His Word and let Him do the convicting. We are Blessed in our country to be able to share Jesus. But there are places today where Christians are losing their lives. So don’t be arrogant enough to think that it can’t or it doesn’t happen here. It is already beginning in ways that are being overlooked. Attacks on Christians on social media. Attacks within the church from people who claim to be Christians. Be on the alert. And be joyful when you share His Word. We are to rejoice and be glad and we will study the next two verses tomorrow that expands on verse 10.

Remember that when you live for The Lord, loving people and hating sin,  it automatically puts a target on your back. It offends the world. This is what it means to be persecuted for righteousness' sake. We are not to attack people under some sort of righteous anger cloak, that’s for JESUS, we are not righteous enough for that but we are to share Jesus in love and by example. The rest is up to Him. 

Shine His Light 


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