Do You Recognize Jesus?


Scripture For The Day 

February 7, 2023

 We’ve learned how to be Blessed. We’ve learned that we are to be the salt and the light of the earth. But Jesus is still preaching. He’s not done yet.   

Matthew 5:17-19

"Do You Recognize Jesus?"  

Jesus begins telling us in this part of the sermon that He didn’t come to destroy the law of Moses or the teachings of the prophets. He tells us in His own Words that He came to give them full meaning, to fulfill the law. He assures us in verse 18 that He will take nothing from the law until it’s all finished. verse 19. Jesus tells us that we are to obey every law, even if they seem unimportant otherwise there will be consequences. Jesus tells us that we should be more pleasing to God, than those that go through the motions. He is speaking about the basic tenet of the commandments. We are not to have any other god before God. We are not to kill, or lie, or steal, and so forth. Those are the fundamentals that help to teach us between right and wrong. Jesus didn’t do away with those. But with His Sacrifice on the Cross, we are not under the law that bound people before The Cross- the law of having to sacrifice animals, the festivals, the rituals. We are not under the foreshadowing of Jesus because He paid that price for each of us on The Cross and He fulfilled that shadow. But again, that doesn’t do away with the basic tenet of God’s law and it doesn’t do away with His Word. Regardless of what the Pharisees were accusing Jesus of doing, He is letting everyone know in this Sermon that He did not come to destroy the law.  He IS The Word. His Word is Everlasting. It will not be destroyed. He tells us that there is a purpose for His Word and that it was always meant to be fulfilled. He tells us that every single part of The Word is true and meaningful and we can Trust that whatever it says will happen is going to happen. He did not come to render The Word of God void that the Pharisees studied so much from. He came to bring The Word even more merit of the Truth that is in His Word. All those festivals and all those sacrifices were a shadow of who they were about- JESUS. The Commandments are a guideline of what we should do or don’t do- have no other gods before Him, don’t kill, don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t covet.. and so forth. Sadly, many of the Pharisees refused to hear The Truth and recognize Who Jesus is.  

Do you recognize JESUS? Live for Him. Open the eyes of our hearts, LORD. 


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