Walk That Extra Mile

Scripture For The Day 

 February 18, 2023

 "Walk That Extra Mile" 

Jesus teaches about fighting back. Matthew 5:38-42. Our first response when an argument ensues is to fight back or at the very least, plan our retaliation. If we feel like someone has wronged us, our carnal side wants revenge. Jesus tells us in His Sermon that though we have heard in the olden days ‘an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth’, He has a different message, as usual. He says no to revenge, do not try to get the upper hand. In verse 39, He tells us to not resist an evil person but who hits us on the right cheek let him hit the left also. Wait!! What??? Now hold on a sec, let’s make sure we study this out before getting confused.  He’s not talking about letting yourself be the victim of abuse. We are never to become a punching bag physically or emotionally for someone else. He’s just saying to not let your heart be full of revenge. Vengeance belongs to The Lord. Instead of a heart full of vengeance, we need to have a heart full of humility and forgiveness. We are called to be peacemakers and a heart that wants to strike back is far from having peace. We are commanded in other scriptures to resist the devil and flee from evil so it’s vital that we understand that this verse is speaking about our heart reactions and it’s not about allowing an evil person to continue harming us. Do not give back what we are given. We have every right and we should defend ourselves from any harm. But those who slight us and we are slighted on so many occasions, we can forgive them and teach them about The Love of God and His Grace. When Jesus tells us to walk that extra mile when we are forced to walk the first one, He is referring to a Roman law that allowed a Roman soldier to order a Jew to carry his baggage, including his armory for up to a mile. It was a painful task to be forced into because it was a lot of weight to bear. Once the mile was met the Jew could drop the load and get rest. But Jesus says No, carry their burden for another mile. Jesus is teaching us in this lesson that when others treat us unfairly, and boy howdy we sure can be treated unfairly at times, we should respond with generosity and kindness while sharing His Love, bringing peace into a hurtful situation. Walking that extra mile teaches us to be more patient with people. Walking that extra mile shows the enemy we are different than the world. As a Child of God, we are to avoid arguing and self-righteous attitudes and vengeance of any kind. It should never be about getting the glory or credit and never about fighting back with anger. Stand up for yourself.  But stand up for yourself with Love. Give when asked. Forgive when hurt. Bring peace to the confrontation. Love like Jesus. and always Walk that extra mile. 


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