Don't Let Others' Crazy Rub Off On You

  Scripture For The Day 

March 13, 2023

 Don't Let Others Crazy Rub Off On You 

Life can be overwhelming at times. People are frustrating and full of so many opinions. And boy can’t we get caught up in the junk of others? The mindset of people is outstanding, to say the least. Frivolity, wastefulness, quick-tempered, selfishness, hatefulness, control freaks, you name it. We’ve all come across it. We probably could admit that we have been there and done that at one time or another. But some people choose to live every day in that mindset. It’s tempting at times to just say “I’m shaking the dust off my sandals…I’m done.” But the question is ‘Are we? Are we really done? Or is there something else The Lord wants us to do? “ We need to be certain before we give up. That’s why it’s so important to have those Sabbath moments in our lives when we stop and rest. This is not about giving up. It’s about a rejuvenation of the spirit.  If your body is as fit as a fiddle but you are not spiritually fit it will all be for nothing.  If we don’t rest our bodies and minds, our spiritual health can and will be affected. It’s good to turn the world off. It’s okay to take a break. It’s spiritually healthy to say no to things that stress you out. The apostle John wrote to his friend Gaius in John 3:1. He tells Gaius that he was praying that everything was going well with him and that he was enjoying good health. John was pleased that the word that came to him was that Gaius was healthy and doing well spiritually and following the truth of The Gospel. He continued to encourage Gaius and was thankful that Gaius continued to help the believers, even if he didn’t know them. He continued in verse 9 to say that he, John, wrote a letter to the church because of things he had heard that were going on within the church but Diotrephes one of the people refused to listen to what he had to say. Apparently, Diotrephes was a control freak. He always wanted to be the leader in whatever was going on.  John said that when he went to Diotrephes to try and talk to him, Diotrephes lied about them. He also refused to welcome and help the other believers that would come to their church and refused to let them in the door and the people allowed it to continue. John said he was going to go to him in person and handle it. But for Gaius, John encouraged him to continue doing good and not follow along with that type of thinking. Do what is good from God and shake off the junk of others. Stand up for what is right. But don’t let it trouble your soul.

In other words, don’t let others' crazy rub off on you. Be True to The Lord, despite what others are doing. 


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