Let's Be Real

  Scripture For The Day 

March 8th, 2023

 "Let's Be Real" 

One of the best ways to see God here on earth is through loving each other. 1 John 4:12 tells us that we have never personally seen God. But if we have Jesus in our hearts and then when we sincerely love each other, God’s Love is made perfect within us. Romans 12: 9 tells us love must be without dissimulation; must be REAL. We are to hate what is evil and only do good. The more we abide in Him, the more our behavior, and our attitude will be reflected in how we love others.  We can’t fake that kind of love.  You either have it or you don’t. But with Jesus in our hearts and a desire in our hearts to love like Him, we are able to have that real love for each other.

The world talks about love quite a bit. They equate love with tolerance. As Christians, we should be all about truth and love and speaking The Truth with Love. The enemy lies to people and deceives this world into thinking that tolerance and acceptance are the same as love. So not true.  We are to love even when people are difficult for us to love. That doesn’t mean we condone sin. He tells us to hate what is evil and only do good. But Love? Love doesn’t focus on what a person looks like. Love doesn’t focus on the sin in their lives. Love prays for them. Love hurts for them. Love leads by example for them. Love cries out for them. True Love only recognizes that they are people and we are to love people, even the difficult ones, especially the difficult ones. Because that type of Love can only come from God. If you can’t love people in spite of their irritating behavior or how they rub you the wrong way, you’re in trouble. Because God’s Word tells us that we need to love everyone, If you are easily offended for whatever reason, then you have a problem. A Child of God should treat people objectively and get past those irritating quirks that almost all of us have. A child of God is never to hold a grudge. That comes from unforgiveness. OH, how quickly we jump in anger when people are rude and obstinate or irritate us for whatever reason. The simple truth of it is, people are frustrating and it’s difficult to deal with frustrating people.  Control freaks, arrogance, and stubbornness are tough qualities to love in a person. Sometimes it can literally make my teeth hurt the way some people are. But when our hearts are focused on Jesus in everything we do, our responses will naturally change.  Even though we don’t think we can love those people that constantly irritate us, John tells us we can. Not only that we can but that we should. And when we finally succeed in loving those ‘unlovable’ people, that is when we see God’s Love perfected in us. So, therefore let us love one another, sincerely and without pretense. Let us get over ourselves and recognize that we are all people and God sent His Son
for ALL people. Let’s Be Real.

Love God and Love People.



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