Narrow is The Way

  Scripture For The Day 

March 3, 2023

 "Narrow is The Way" 

The Way to Heaven and the Way to Hell – Jesus’s Sermon continues Matthew 7:13-14 

Enter ye in at the straight gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in there at:

Contrary to what the world wants you to believe, contrary to what the enemy is deceiving people into thinking, there is only ONE way to get to heaven and that way leads through a narrow gate. Why? Because, sadly,  not everyone will choose to accept Jesus Christ into their hearts. Many will play Christian but not everyone will truly accept Him. So, that gate is narrow by all counts. But Hell? Jesus says that the gate to hell is very wide, and there is plenty of room on the road that leads there. This is straight from the mouth of Jesus Christ – Many people will choose to go that way. But the gate that opens the way to true life is narrow and the road that leads there is difficult to follow so only a few people will ever find it.  So, how small is this gate and how narrow is this road we have been invited to travel on? Again, there is only One way to Heaven and that is through Jesus, He is the door. He is THE Way, THE Truth, THE Life- only ONE way. There is no going around Him. There is no climbing in through a window. Only ONE way. According to Revelation, John was given a vision by Jesus Himself that shows a multitude of saints standing before the throne. So, we know from his vision that there will be many of us. However; Jesus tells us that more will refuse to hear The Truth, and many will refuse to accept JESUS. Many will choose to travel this dark path. No works will get us there. Our works are as filthy rags. We can never be ‘good’ enough.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ is so simple.  But the road can be difficult in this ever-increasing dark world. That’s why He tells us over and over again to keep our eyes and hearts focused on Him. We are to strive to be more like Him. Not for salvation's sake but to help us develop a stronger relationship with Him which in effect will help us to become better witnesses for Him and help us as we deal with all the trials and tribulations that this sinful world throws at us. We can’t force others to accept The Truth but we can love them. We can pray for them. We can be an example for them.  It’s not our business how many go to heaven and how many go to hell. Thankfully, that is not under our remit. But let us strive to be more like Jesus. Love like Jesus. Forgive like Jesus. Share Jesus. Do as our study yesterday encouraged us to do- Do unto others as you would have them do to you. And be thankful for those who journey with you on this narrow road to sweet immortality in heaven. Enter through JESUS!


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