On The Solid Rock I Stand

Scripture For The Day 

March 7, 2023

On The Solid Rock I Stand  

Two Kinds of People 

Today we finish out our study on Jesus’ Sermon on The Mount. It’s been quite interesting and eye-opening for me. I hope you have enjoyed it as well. In our study today Jesus tells us about two kinds of people. Matthew 7:24-28

“Whoever hears these teachings of mine and obeys them is like a wise man who built his house upon a rock. It rained hard, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house. But it did not fall because it was built upon a rock. Whoever hears these teachings of mine and does NOT obey them is like a foolish man who built his house upon the sand. It rained hard, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against the house. And it fell with a loud crash. When Jesus finished speaking, the people were amazed at His teaching. He did not teach like their teachers of the law. He taught like someone Who has Authority.”

This is partly where some people get offended. I DON’T have to DO anything. You’re right. Just accept The Lord into your heart and be free from the wrath of hell. But Jesus isn’t talking about the legality and bonds of chains. He is talking about a relationship with Him. When we are involved with someone and it is a healthy relationship, we listen to each other. We try to make each other happy. We get to know them better by listening to them and basically studying the things they like. We strive to do better when we mess up. We draw closer to them when the world tries to pull us apart. We try not to be too busy for each other. This is what Jesus is talking about. Do you want to have a healthy relationship with Him? Do you want to have a strong Christ Like walk of faith, through Him? Do you want to be able to live a life that is not full of angst and worry all the time? Do you want to have healthier relationships with others in your life? Do YOU want to be a witness for Jesus that draws others to Him?

Then Child of God, Live for Him, Draw closer to Him, Study His Word, and Learn to Grow through Him. We do not have to remain a babe in Christ our entire earthly life. We can be better through Him in order to reach lost souls. Cause isn’t that what life is honestly all about? Sharing Jesus to this ever-increasing dark world?  If you want to worry, worry about all those without Jesus for when they die they will go to hell. They make that choice by rejecting Him, by rejecting The Truth. It’s All about Jesus. Having that mindset and heart-set that draws us back to Him every single time. It’s all About JESUS. To have a lasting and sturdy structure you need the proper foundation. And for us, that proper foundation is JESUS CHRIST. He ends His Sermon with an invitation call for everyone to heed his message to trust and obey.

Are you the man that built his house upon the rock (JESUS) or are you the man that built his house upon the sand? Trust and Obey!

All our Hope is in JESUS! 


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