"The Island of Patmos"

Scripture For The Day 

 March 17, 2023

 "The Island of Patmos" 

I’m at the point of studying John and his exile to the island of Patmos. Some people have wondered through the years why John was spared a horrific death and was able to live to a ripe old age. While the other disciples and many other Christians were persecuted, tortured, and killed, John was exiled. My take on that is that God wasn’t through with John yet. He appointed John to be the one to write down what Jesus told him regarding the book of Revelation. Jesus gave this vision and writing to John at a time when John was exiled to the Island of Patmos and life had essentially slowed down for him. John was already aged and frail at this time of his life.  I’m sure he had some manual labor to do in his exile. He was more than likely beaten for his beliefs. But his running was over. His hiding was over. Knowing John like we do, he was still sharing The Gospel where he was at, when he could, even while in isolation. I imagine there were times he wished he was dead, like so many of his brethren. But again, God wasn’t through with him yet. He was given extra time to take in this prophetic word from Jesus, Himself, and write what he was allowed to write down for generations to read and be Blessed and to wonder over. He could have easily just said he was done with serving The Lord. He had paid his dues. He had been there, done that. He had to be worn out from everything he had been through. Fatigue and sickness would have entered into old age and persecution. But instead, he chose to keep serving The Lord til the day he died. He chose through all the pain and suffering that he was going through to continue to seek the face of His friend, Jesus, even more than he had before. And Child of God isn’t that the desire of The Lord for each of us? To not allow our pains and worries and stress to be our top priority in life, but to serve Him in whatever capacity He has put before us.

It's all About Jesus! Let us put aside our troubles and seek His face above all and be Blessed with the wonders He will reveal to us. 

“Grace be unto you, and peace, from which is, and which was, and which is to come; …. I am John, a fellow believer, brother and partner in tribulation, kingdom, and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island called Patmos BECAUSE of God’s Word and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.”

Revelation 1:4-11 


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