There's Much More To Her Story

  Scripture For The Day 

March 31, 2023

"There's Much More to Her Story"  

Her nickname was Abi, but her full name was Abijah. There’s not a lot said about Abi in the Bible. Honestly, it only mentions her a few times and mostly about her being King Hezekiah’s mother.  2 Kings 18:2 and 2 Chronicles 29:1. So, why should I even bring her up? Can’t you see? There is much more to her story. Let’s look at Hezekiah’s dad. His dad, King Ahaz, was a horrible king. He was considered one of the worst kings of Judah. He brought back Baal worship. He destroyed God’s Temple by placing idols to be worshiped there. He even sacrificed one of his own sons to this false god. Oh my! Needless to say, God was not happy with this king. But he is not our focus, he is just some background. Hezekiah was twenty-five years old when he became king. In truth, Hezekiah should have been pretty messed up in the head because of his dad. We all know how that can happen. However; when Hezekiah landed on the throne everything changed. He was excited for The Lord. He loved The Lord with everything he had and he ruled based on his love for God for twenty-nine years. Here’s what I want to bring out. These two scripture references don’t even mention Hezekiah’s father. But they mention his mother. That just wasn’t done. Recorded lineage usually always went through the father. So, there must be a purpose.  Abi was taught about The Lord. So, there has to be a reason why a child of a clearly disturbed man would grow up to Love The Lord as much as Hezekiah did. I believe that reason, at least in part, had to be because of his mother.  Abijah was not just a daughter or a wife to a crazy man or even a queen, she was a mother first. And I believe that’s why God put her name down in the scripture to be noticed. Her name literally means "my Father is Yahweh".  and by the reign of Hezekiah, we can see her godly influence over her son. He went on to lead a great spiritual revival during his reign, beginning with reopening the Temple for the Service of God.  

Life is such a struggle. We can either be a part of the problem or be a part of the solution.   We don’t have to keep the cycle of craziness and sinfulness going within our families. We can break that cycle by teaching our children and grandchildren about God, The Truth of God, not the watered down version but The Truth of Who He is and of a Savior that loves us so much He was willing to be tortured and sacrificed for us to pay for our sin that we may be reconciled with The Father. The change begins with us. Let us be mothers and fathers and grandparents that teach The Gospel with Truth and with Love. Let us break the chain of sin and corruption. Fathers be the Christian men you need to be. Mothers, teach The Love of Jesus to your children, even if, especially if, the fathers fail in doing so. Grandparents continue to speak Jesus until you have no breath left to speak anymore. Break the cycle of evil and corruption. 

There is always more to the story. 


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