What People Do!

Scripture For The Day 

March 6, 2023


What People Do!

 Jesus’s Sermon continues... Matthew 7:15-21

Be careful of false prophets. I was just having a conversation on this subject with the hubby a couple of days ago. Jesus warned us that there will be people who will come to us and look as gentle as sheep but will actually be as dangerous as wolves. There will be people who will say that they are called to do this or to do that when they haven’t been. Either they are fooling themselves or trying to fool us. Jesus warns us to be aware that not everyone who claims to be a Christian, is a Christian. This reminds me of the old cartoon when the wolf would dress up as a sheep to get inside the pen in order to attack the sheep. But the sheepdog was too smart for him and would catch him every single time. As per Jesus’s teaching, it all goes back to the heart. We will mess up. We will sin. He is not saying that Christians will be able to live a sinless life, that’s impossible. But our hearts will not want to sin. Those who have no qualms with living in sin and try to deceive people about it are the ones He is talking about today. They know all the right “Christian” things to say. They go out of their way to impress those who are in charge. But none of it matters if they truly don’t belong to The Lord. Good things don’t come from people who are bad. Every good tree produces good fruit, and bad trees produce bad fruit.  We will be able to know these people by what they do. Maybe not at first. But eventually, the truth will out. This is not a judge not lest ye be judged situation. Jesus is telling us Himself to be on the alert and aware of wolves in sheep's clothing. Examine the situation. Pay attention. He goes on to say that in the end many will come to Him and say “But Lord, Lord, I did this or that in Your Name’ and Jesus says that He will tell these people to get away from Him because He never knew them. They never truly belonged to Him. Oh, that hurts my heart. This world tires me out. Too much dishonesty and deception. Some people seem to thrive on it. Child of God, open your eyes, take the blinders off, and listen to what The Lord is speaking to your heart. Tomorrow we will finish Jesus’s Sermon on The Mount. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have. But more than that I hope you have allowed it to speak to your heart as it has spoken to mine. 


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