For Such a Time as This

Scripture For The Day 

 April 25, 2023

"For Such A Time As This" 

For such a time as this… Esther knew she had no other choice. Everything she had been taught, every step that had guided her towards this moment was for such a time as this. In order to save her people she had to put her fears aside and Trust in The Lord to be right there with her. Even if it resulted in her losing her life.

 Back in the day, a queen had no authority at all. She had access to her King and might even influence his decision. But there were protocols to be taken. Rarely did the queens attend public events, unless the king, himself, requested her to be there. Because Queen Vashti became angry at the king and believed she was above the rules, she went against her king’s authority, which resulted in her being vanquished. With Queen Vashti out of the picture, the King was on the lookout for a new queen. He was advised to gather the virgins of the land so he could choose a new queen. These ladies were on a spa retreat. They were pampered. They had makeovers. They were bathed in sweet-smelling perfumes. They received a new wardrobe. They were taught how to behave with a king. They would have an audition – to put it nicely- with the king.  But only one of them would become the next queen. The rest would be integrated into his harem. To go against this custom would only mean certain death.  

Esther had no choice. But the king took favor on her and she became the new queen. Soon, she gets word that Haman, the king's right-hand man had devised a plan to kill all the Jews. Up to this point, no one knew that Esther was a Jew. Haman was a homicidal maniac bent on genocide. Esther had been orphaned and Mordecai her cousin raised her as his own child. She was beautiful but she didn’t have a lot of choices in life. But she did have a choice of how she handled herself. So, she swallowed her fear and asked the king to come to dinner and bring Haman with him. Such a small request, the king agreed. It all came out during this meal and the lives of the Jews were saved. Haman’s life? Not so much. We don’t always know why we are where we are at. Many times, life is about our choices, good and bad. But sometimes things just all seem to fall together in a particularly divine way for such a moment as this that we can’t ignore His Presence.  Esther was faithful to God. She trusted Him and She humbly served Him. She wasn’t interested in having the spotlight on her or having all the accolades or even being the heroine of the story. She just loved The Lord and wanted to serve Him to the best of her capacity no matter where she was, even if it meant losing her life. She is one of many who truly experienced Romans 8:28 “And we know that ALL things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” 

Take time to read all of Esther. It’s a huge story with a huge message… For such a time as this. 


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