Let Us Be Encouraged

Scripture For The Day  

April 13, 2023

 "Let Us Be Encouraged" 

One verse, one mention of a sister in Christ, but to me, I see a bigger story. Paul begins a letter to Philemon. But he is not only addressing Philemon, he addresses our beloved Apphia in verse 2. A deeper study shows that this ‘beloved’ is translated to a ‘sister in Christ’. He goes on to address Archippus a fellow soldier. You need to remember that though there were synagogues for the Jews and pagan temples for the false idols, most of the churches for The Lord at that time were being held at individual houses. Sometimes even far away from the city in the outdoors. The Christians were being persecuted. They were being jailed and many were killed for The Gospel of Jesus Christ. The church is not the building but the people. And This ‘church’ was being held at Philemon’s house. There is not much said about Apphia and, yes, we could speculate who she was, possibly the wife of Philemon, since the letter is a domestic issue. But I am not a fan of speculation of The Word of God.  My point to you is this, Apphia was personally named. God is very purposeful in His Word. So, despite what some people like to say about women in the ministry and subsequently twist The Word of God, Paul depended upon many women believers. They were important to him. Paul included Apphia in this letter as hearing about their love and faith for Jesus and their love for fellow believers. Paul remembered them in his prayers. He was thankful for each of them. The purpose of his letter was to encourage them, albeit strongly, to accept Onesimus their runaway slave as a brother in Christ. He had stolen from Philemon and ran away. But ended up accepting Jesus in his heart. Paul pleaded with Philemon and the others to accept Onesimus because he had been such a blessing to him. This letter is a picture of forgiveness and acceptance for all of us to read and learn from. Let us be encouraged by that. Let us be encouraged to forgive each other. Let us be encouraged to sincerely love each other despite our difference.  Let us be encouraged to see each other through the eyes of The Lord. 


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