She Spoke The Truth

Scripture For The Day 

 May 4, 2023

"She Spoke The Truth" 

I know I must have read about her before. But for some reason, her story didn’t reach my heart until this morning. I love the perfect timing of our Father. Let’s learn about Huldah, a prophetess, that was known to have enough courage to speak the truth, even when the truth is not something people usually want to hear. Refer to 2 Kings22:8-20, and 2 Chronicles 34:29-38.

During a random moment of bookkeeping that the King of Judah was doing, the high priest Hilkiah found a copy of the Book of the Law. It had apparently been lost for a very long time. King Josiah was a man who loved The Lord and the discovery of this book broke his heart. It originated between God and Moses. It was the foundation of what they believed. It set the precedence for their entire Nation. But it had been put aside sometime before by a regime that did not want to waste their time with The Truth of God’s Word. So, when the book (the scroll) was read, King Josiah was hit with the fullness of just how far based his Nation had wandered from The Word of God. He was broken up and devastated. He responded in the usual customary manner when people were broken- he tore his clothes and went into mourning mode. 

King Josiah needed guidance. So, he had word sent to the one person he could trust to tell the truth- Huldah, the prophetess. And Huldah sent the king back a message- ‘Because the Nation had diverted from The Truth of God’s Word and Law, disaster was going to strike them down. But because of the faithfulness of Josiah, God promised it would not happen in Josiah’s lifetime. “Because your heart was tender, and you humbled yourself before God when you heard His words against this place and against its inhabitants, and you humbled yourself before me… I have heard you, says the LORD… your eyes shall not see all the calamity which I will bring on this place and its inhabitants...” 2 Chronicles 23:27-28 this Nation needed to hear The Truth and  the king knew that he would get the truth from Huldah… I love that. 

She spoke the truth even though it was difficult for the others to hear. She wasn’t condemned for it. She wasn’t called names for it. She spoke The Truth. She was committed to God’s Truth and because of that, The LORD trusted her with this moment to speak to an entire Nation. 


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