To Save a Child

Scripture For The Day 

 May 8, 2023

"To Save a Child" 

Today we meet Jehosheba and she was quite the woman. She was courageous in the midst of a horrific situation. Her mother was married to King Jehoram, but was not the primary wife. That position was held by Athaliah, who happened to be the granddaughter of one of the most evil kings of Israel to ever reign. She was also the child of Ahab and Jezebel and when she became queen, Athaliah continued the evil reign. She was the only woman to rule over Judah, albeit for a short time. Her husband, the king had been killed. Then her son, King Jehu was killed and Queen Athaliah took the opportunity to kill all the royal family she could find, including her own grandsons, in order to keep her seat on the throne. 

 However, our heroine, Jehosheba, the queen’s half-sister rescued young Joash, the queen’s remaining grandson, and his nurse. Jehosheba kept her nephew hidden for six years in the temple while the evil queen Athaliah reigned in Judah.  Jehosheba was married to one of the highest priests. Jehoiada, who watched over and taught Joash the ways of The Lord.  After seven years, Jehosheba’s husband, Jehoiada, brought Joash  out into the public and anointed him the rightful king of Judah. The evil queen Athaliah was angry of course and ran into the temple shouting “Treason! Treason!” The priest, Jehoiada had her captured by the guards, removed from the temple, and put to death.

  Joash was seven years old when he began his reign. He reigned for forty years and because of the courage of Jehosheba, Judah had a king that loved The Lord and did right in His eyes, and listened to the instructions and guidance of Jehoiada the priest. At least during the time that Jehoiada lived.

Jeshosheba’s courage is an example for all of us to stand up for what is right. This princess bravely saved the life of a child that would one day become the rightful king of Judah, thereby securing the line of David leading to the Messiah, Jesus Christ- the King of all kings! When one evil queen nearly wiped out the entire lineage of David, God stepped in and led someone to do the right thing.   We may not understand why things happen the way they do. But God sees the bigger picture. He places people in our lives to guide and lead us in the  way we should go. Jehosheba risked it all to do what was right.  What a true heroine of God! Refer to 2 Kings 11:1-20 


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