I Am He!

Scripture For The Day 

"I Am He!"

 June 12, 2023

Oh man, aren’t we quick to judge others? But Thank The Lord, while others assume they know, Jesus knows better. He looks at our hearts and not the surface. I apologize for the lapse in devotions. My family and I have just returned from a 9 ½ day road trip. Though I am flat-worn out, I am so blessed for the time we got to spend together and the memories that we made. Today my heart turns to the Samaritan Woman at the well. Refer to John 4:7-29

Jesus and the disciples were traveling from Jerusalem to the south of Galilee in the north. It was customary for Jews to take the long way around and avoid Samaria. There was much prejudice going on there. But Jesus isn’t like that. He came for whosoever. Jesus insisted they go through Samaria. While the disciples left Him at a well to go buy food, a Samaritan woman came to the well during the hottest part of the day to get water. This was unusual, to say the least. But there was more going on than what most people would have noticed. She wasn’t liked. She was shunned. She was treated harshly for the bad choices she had made in her life.

Jesus stepped away from Jewish man-made laws that day. He spoke to a woman, who was a Samaritan, and asked her to get Him some water. Using her cup would have made Him as unclean as they believed the Samaritans were. This reminds me of a dark time in our history when black people weren’t allowed to drink from the same water fountain. Ignorance at its finest. But all of us were created by a Loving and Creative God. Jesus knew this woman better than she knew herself. And He openly revealed Himself to her that He was The Messiah.

This faulty woman, full of mistakes and full of sin, took the living water that Jesus offered and was made brand new. She became a faithful and strong witness for The Lord by telling everyone about Him. No more shame. No more fear. It was all about Jesus.

The Samaritans were a group of mixed-race people. They were hated by the Jews because of the mixing of cultures and because of that, the Samaritans had their own temple to worship in. Jesus ignored the stigma and accepted this sinful woman into the fold. He showed that He came for everyone and not just for the Jews. While many of the pious Jews failed to recognize The Truth, this motley group of outcasts recognized Him and truly accepted Him for Who He was and is- The Savior of The World.

“God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” – John 4:24. Not in ritual. Not in regards to what man thinks. But in spirit and in Truth. And Jesus said unto her “I that speak unto thee am He.” 


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