Be Set Free!

Scripture For The Day 

 July 4, 2023

"Be Set Free!" 

Today of all days is fitting for us to finish out our study on the women that God loved and used in the Bible. We are Set Free!  I hope and pray that this study has encouraged you to recognize your value and your worth in Christ. All of us were made by Him, through Him, and for Him. “And God said, Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR ‘likeness’… So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He Him; MALE AND FEMALE created He them.” Genesis 1:26-27. We are all created in God’s image. We may look different but our spirits are made the same and made for the same purpose. And when we accept Jesus Christ into our hearts, we are to be AS One. With hearts and minds that have the same purpose; Sharing The Gospel, Being True to His Word, and encouraging each other. No more condemnation. We have been set Free! We will disagree. That is human nature. But we can continue to love and show respect and to study His Word to show ourselves approved. Study, not just read.  There is no growth unless we choose to grow. We need more than just milk, give us the meat! It’s time to eat!

Galatians 3 tells us that we who accept JESUS CHRIST have been made free. “Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But AFTER that Faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. For ye are ALL the children of God by Faith in Christ Jesus… There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is NEITHER MALE NOR FEMALE; for ye are ALL ONE IN CHRIST JESUS” We are set free!

Respect each other, whether male or female. Throughout our study, we have learned that women have played vital roles in the Bible. Some unnamed but still vitally important. We are all loved and valued by God. From Eve to Mary and to all the unnamed, their courage, their strength, and their love, are beautiful examples for us to learn and live by. We also struggle with hardships and adversity and sorrow. This isn’t just about Bible days. God continues to use women in many beautiful ways that encourage and uplift and teach the rest of us. Recently I began reading a book by a well-known pastor. I often read the foreword and dedications and I couldn’t help but get tickled at the plethora of women that he was acknowledging that helped him with writing his book. Women have contributed greatly to the ministering of The Gospel. Don’t let anybody treat you as if you are not valued by God.  You are Called according to HIS PURPOSE, not anyone else’s. When you choose to accept Jesus, you are forgiven. You are Loved! You are Not condemned. You are included! You are Accepted! You aren’t Alone! You are Wonderfully Made! You are Free! You are Chosen! You Belong to God! And your value and worth are in HIM and in Him alone! 

Lift up your face Child and be set free! 


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