Climb Up on His Lap

Scripture For The Day 

 July 13, 2023

"Climb Up on His Lap" 

Yesterday, our eldest grandson became unusually quiet. I had a feeling about what was on his mind. But I wanted him to know that he could come to me about anything. I pulled him into my lap and asked “What’s on your mind?” He quietly looked up and smiled but didn’t say anything. I told him, “You know you can tell me or ask me anything? Right?” ‘yes”. After a tiny bit more coaxing, he finally came out with it. What it was doesn’t matter. But I woke up thinking about that this morning. And I couldn’t help but think how The Lord must feel that way often with me. He knows my heart. He knows what’s on my mind. Yet, He still wants me to feel comfortable enough to come to Him, even if I think the answer will be no.

I choose to have a heart full of praises. Because I am more Blessed than I can even describe. Despite the pains. Despite any struggles. I am Blessed. You are Blessed. Things could always be worse and may get worse. But be thankful for those Blessings every single day. No regrets. One day at a time as my grandma used to often sing. Not giving up, not backing down even if we have to go down swinging. At least, we will be on the fighting side of The Lord. He will fight those battles for us. Just go to Him in prayer. Ask Him, Seek Him, Love Him, Live for Him. He just wants a relationship with you, not a religion, not legalism. Crawl up into His lap this morning and tell Him what’s on your mind.

“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:6-7 


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