Just Go With The Flow

Scripture For The Day 

 July 18th, 2023

"Just Go With The Flow" 

Yesterday, after having to scold and discipline my grandson, he turned to me and said “Mamu, you worry about the silliest of things.” I paused for a second and quietly asked him “What would you suggest I do when you or your brother refuse to listen or mind?” He mischievously smiled and said, “Just, go with the flow.” I sat down beside him and I gently turned his face towards me. “Go with the flow doesn’t always work out for the best.  Ultimately, rules are there to protect us. For example, right now your little brother is too young to understand how dangerous things can be and if we don’t set boundaries and teach him right from wrong, he will hurt himself, possibly severely. Just this morning, the doctor told me some things I didn’t want to hear. But he knows best and I need to trust that he knows what’s best for me and listen to what he says.” He quietly listened as I continued. “God tells us in His Word just how important it is to Trust Him and OBEY. He tells us that all of us need discipline.  He knows what’s best and He knows how dangerous life can be. And He wants to keep us safe but more importantly, He wants us to learn from Him” We finished our talk and went back to playing. Later, I heard him getting frustrated with his little brother and he began scolding him. I turned to him, smiled, and said “Just go with the flow.” He immediately stopped, looked at me, and said “Alright, Mamu I get it.”

When we refuse to set boundaries and consequences for disobedience, we aren’t doing our children any favor. As a matter of fact, we are harming them in ways that will manifest themselves in years to come. We need boundaries. We need instruction. Yes, we need patience and understanding. But we need to be aware of the fact, whether young or old that there are consequences for disobedience. You can’t just go with the flow. The flow will take you right down the toilet hole.

“He that spareth his rod hateth his son: But he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.” – Proverbs 13:24 (This is not about abuse, this is about discipline) We all need that chastening from time to time. The Lord loves those Who He chastens because He knows what’s best. 


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