Take Them To The Lord

Scripture For The Day 

 July 24, 2023

"Take Them To The Lord" 

We have been created with a plethora of emotions. Some are good, some not so good. But without them, we would be mindless, emotionless, automatons, or even more frightening, sociopaths. I can go days without crying. And then there are days to which I can’t seem to stop crying. Yesterday felt like one of those days. Yesterday, my SS class discussed the importance of prayer. I had them write on blank pieces of paper something that they often worry over. I told them not to write their names on the paper and I joined in on the activity. We put our slips of worries in a box and after I shook it a few times, we each pulled one out. We didn’t share what the worries were. I just asked them “How does this worry compare to your worry?” One student said, “This worry is a lot darker than mine.” Another student said, “About the same as mine”. Softly, tears began to develop in my eyes and I told them that the worry I pulled out, broke my heart. And that’s the thing about prayers. All of us have worries and fears. Each of our prayers our unique and special to us. I had them roll a bead between their fingers for fifteen seconds and then asked them; did that bead change in shape? Did it melt? Did it catch on fire? Of course, the answer was no. I told them that’s how it is when we worry about things that are out of our control. All that worry doesn’t change a single thing. We mull it over and over in our minds, making us worry, making us sick. And it doesn’t change a single thing except affect how we, personally feel. But we can go to God in prayer and find comfort and strength through Him. and leave it at His feet. I cried yesterday over other people’s worries. I cried yesterday over a friend’s broken heart. I cried yesterday for various reasons. But I’m so thankful that I have a comforting God who is my heavenly Father. He allows me to climb up into His lap and share my problems with Him. He is never too busy for me.  and He holds me and He rocks me and He comforts me.

“This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles… the righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles” – Psalm 34

“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.” – 1 Peter 5

Pray for each other. We all need healing in one way or another. We all need The Lord and we need to encourage and strengthen each other in Love. My worry is not more important than yours. Each of our concerns is special. Take them to The Lord. 


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