To Every Thing There is a Season


 Scripture For The Day 

July 20, 2023

To Every Thing There is a Season 

We can’t stop the changing of seasons. That’s far beyond our pay grade. But we can be thankful for each change by recognizing Who is in control. “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die;… a time to plant, a time to reap…a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance…” Ecclesiastes 3. Am I the only that sings these words like in the song Turn! Turn! Turn! By the Byrds?

To everything there is a season, turn, turn, turn. Genesis 8:22 tells us that God promises that while the earth remains there will always be a time for planting and a time for harvest. There will always be cold and hot, summer and winter, day and night on Earth. But more than the physical changes with the seasons we also experience spiritual seasons. That’s why it can be so disheartening when fellow believers can be so condemning when they feel high in their current spiritual status. They forget those low seasons in their own lives and they begin to speak condemnation. But you know, sometimes we are in the planting season and the watering season while the harvest is not quite ready to reap. Sometimes, the plant is needing extra care to grow because of rough circumstances. The previous season may have yielded the biggest crop in our lives, while this season feels like nothing is ever going to bloom. This is the spiritual changing of seasons. This is not about salvation. This is about life.  It should never be about the number or the ‘big’ things that are going on. “Big” or “Much” should never be our goals. But it’s the quality of time that we spend with The Lord in those less than moments. When we struggle to understand why things are the way they are. When we struggle to find a place to which we feel we belong. When we are struggling…

Our Father created us to matter. He can do everything. He doesn’t NEED us. But He Loves us and He desires for us to be included. He is not a respecter of persons. We all matter. He gives us purpose in the quiet seasons and the busy seasons…we matter.  It’s not the number. It’s the heart of the matter. Whether there are three people in a congregation or ninety-three, it’s where the heart is. Whether you give thousands of dollars or you give two dollars, it’s where the heart is. Whether you are involved in every aspect of church life or it’s a season of being still, it’s where the heart is. Life is filled with frustrations that can be turned into opportunities to grow and draw closer to Him in the seasons of quietness if we focus on Him. To everything turn, turn, turn, there is a season. Don’t question why this season seems so different than others, take this time to draw even closer to Him. Don’t let the enemy steal your joy and deceive you into thinking you don’t matter. You matter now just as much as you mattered then. Seasons may change but God remains the same. Trust In Him to know what’s best.


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