Before It's Everlasting Too Late

Scripture For The Day 

 August 1, 2023

Before It's Everlasting Too Late 

The Great White Throne Judgment is reserved for condemnation. It’s not a seat that God will take any pleasure in. “I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways;…”- Ezekiel 33:11

When the thousand-year reign has ended, satan will be set free once again. You would think that after that length of time being with Jesus Christ, a person would be secure in knowing whom they want to serve. But then again, we have Lucifer as an example and he was in heaven serving God for who knows how long, since time doesn’t exist in heaven.  But after this thousand-year reign, satan will be loosed again. He will go out to deceive the nations and gather them together in battle. Can you imagine his rage after being pent up for so long? He will be out for blood. People will be deceived. People will turn to satan. As much as this must break The Lord’s heart, in a sense, it is a purging of double-minded hearts. Maybe, this has to happen, so The LORD doesn’t have another ‘lucifer’ in heaven.  But it’s going to be a very short battle as fire will come down from heaven destroying satan’s little army. Satan will then be thrown into the lake of burning sulfur along with his henchmen, there to be tortured day and night and forever. Never to be released again.  Next stop, The White Throne Judgment. Those who refused God will have nowhere to run. Revelation 20:13 suggests different levels of punishment based on what these people had done. One thing is for sure, anyone who doesn’t have their name written in the Book of Life will be thrown into the lake of fire. ☹

Not what our Father intended. Not what our Father desires. But it is what has to be done. And He Loves us enough to give us that choice. 

That is why we need, we must have more concern for The Lost. 

Share Jesus. Share His Love.

 Share The Truth before it’s everlasting too late for all concerned. 


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