Don't Give Up

Scripture For The Day 

September 15th, 2023 

"Don't Give Up" 

 Jesus taught His disciples/followers/ US- that we should always pray and never lose hope. He shares a parable with us in Luke 18 involving a woman whose husband had died. She came many times to the judge and told him about a man who continually did bad things to her and she pleaded for help and protection. The judge didn’t want to help her. He didn’t care about her. He didn’t love God or love God’s people. So, though the woman kept coming to plead her case, the judge kept turning her away. It finally came to a point at which he was tired of being bothered by this woman so he gave her what she wanted. Not out of concern or love, but sick and tired of hearing from her. The squeaky wheel is the first one to be greased. The Lord tells us to listen to what this parable is saying. God’s people shout at Him day and night requesting things and God will give us what is right. It may feel slow but it is not slow in His eyes. He cares for us. He Loves us. If this woman can seek help over and over from someone who doesn’t love her or care for her, how much more should we go to God in prayer?  He Loves us. He wants what’s best for us. Don’t give up on your concerns. Be as persistent as this woman in the story is. Be that squeaky wheel. Above all seek The Will of God. But lay your cares and concerns at His feet.  “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” – James 5:16


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