The Comforter

Scripture For The Day 

September 5, 2023

"The Comforter" 

While reading about a famous Pastor’s occasional struggle with discouragement and feeling down, I couldn’t help but think “Thank You, Lord, for The Comforter”.  Jesus had to go back to heaven. He tells us in His Word that He had to go back home to The Father to send “The Comforter.” The Holy Spirit resides within every believer but wasn’t that way before Jesus died on The Cross. He had to die. He had to suffer. He had to be buried. He had to Rise From The Grave. He had to go back to heaven. And those of us who have accepted Him have been set free.  But that doesn’t mean that we will lead perfect lives. It doesn’t mean we will never struggle or have sorrow. 

Our Father knew that we would need Help! So, He made a way.  We have The Blessing of The Comforter/ The Holy Spirit. He brings encouragement to our weary souls. He is our Comforter, our Encourager, and our Helper. He convicts our hearts when we do things or say things, we have no business being a part of. He brings those holy bumps to our skin when our hearts become fully aware of those God moments. He teaches us to grow in The Word of God and to learn from our lifetime of messes. He puts boldness in our hearts to share JESUS with this lost, dying world.  And those ‘blues’, oh those blues, that come and go due to living in a broken world, The Holy Spirit encourages us to get back up and live again for Jesus. If only, we the people, would learn to love like that. If only, we would get out of our minds and love others the way The LORD desires us to love. The Holy Spirit's encouragement in our lives is an example for us to imitate and grow in love so we can encourage others in those dark moments. Kindness, not pride. Kindness, not selfishness. Blessings, not cursings. Speak Life, not death. Encourage each other today. Intentionally set out to encourage at least one person.  I Thank God that He sent me The Holy Spirit to be my Comforter and Encourager and helps me to remember those things that The Father speaks over my heart.

"But The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, Whom The Father will send in My Name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." - John 14:26 


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