I WILL Praise Him

Scripture For The Day 

 October 24, 2023

I WILL Praise Him! 

“I will…I will…I will…I will” Psalm 9 has David promising The LORD that he will be a living breathing testimony for God. This was probably written after a victory over the Philistines. I WILL praise Thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I WILL show forth ALL Thy marvelous works.  I WILL be glad and rejoice in Thee; I WILL sing Praise to Thy Name.

Our LORD is a Righteous Judge. We don’t have to get all upset and strike back at those who hurt us. The LORD will fight our battles. If we believe in HIM>

The LORD is so very patient with us and thankfully, He is forgiving, however; He is still Righteous in His Judgment even when He says ‘’ENOUGH!” Everything else will pass away. But The LORD will ALWAYS Remain. He is our Refuge in times of trouble, and we can Trust in Him for He will never…NEVER forsake those of us who seek His Face and His Will in our lives. So let us sing Praises to The LORD. Though verse 11 says He dwells in Zion, we know He dwells in Heaven. Zion was the place at this time where the tabernacle was set up and the worship of God was celebrated. It was and is a symbolic dwelling place of God. Today we often see Zion with symbolizing the church. We sing Praises to God at the opening and closing of church services. Give me a song that Praises Him rather than one that praises heaven, every single time. Because if The LORD aint there, it’s not any place I want to be. So, let us sing Praises to God. Let us Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. 

He doesn’t forget the cries of the humble; those that truly Trust in Him and seek Him or of those who are oppressed because of their devotion to Him. vs 13-14 “Have mercy upon me, O LORD: consider my trouble (which I suffer) of them that hate me…I will Rejoice in Thy Salvation.” In the gates- for all to see. The LORD is Righteous in His Judgment. “Higgaion” occurs three times in the Psalms and is translated as meditation and a change in the music. The wicked have no excuse and unless they repent and accept The LORD they will go to hell. Though the needy may seem to be forgotten, God is paying attention, and the unbelievers shall be judged. This world will never prevail over God. It may seem like the enemy is winning from time to time. But be secure in knowing that whatever is going on God is STILL in control and the enemy is subject to the Will and Purpose of God. Praise His Holy Name. Praise Him in the morning. Praise Him in the noontime. Praise Him in the evening. For HE Alone, is worthy to be Praised! 


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