Punish The Wicked

Scripture For The Day 

 October 25, 2023

Punish The Wicked 

Unlike Psalm 9 to which began and ended with Praises, Psalm 10 is full of despair, frustration, and confusion. David straight out asked The LORD why He allows bad (evil) people to succeed. But he is confident that God will make it right because He is a Righteous God.

 “Why LORD, do You stand so far away? Why do You hide from people in times of trouble?” Whew! He was struggling. He was frustrated. “The wicked are out to hurt people. They scheme and trap to make others suffer. And then they brag about all the things they do and what they have.” Vs 3 says that The LORD abhorreth the wicked “…whom The LORD abhorreth.” The word abhorreth goes further than to dislike. The LORD detests evil people so much to the point of sickening. They think they are better than God. They think they are God in a sense. The psalmist goes on to beg The LORD to punish that disrespectful attitude of the evil ones. The wicked are too proud to ask God for help. Afterall, they are successful in their own minds. They think they don’t need Him. They feel on top of the world and untouchable always looking for their next targets. They lay traps and again and again hurt people who are already hurting and suffering. He pleads with The LORD: “LORD get up and do something. Punish the wicked. Don’t forget those who are suffering. They need you. Don’t You see their pain? They trust You. You are King forever and ever; and I know You will do the right thing. Listen to the prayers of those who are hurting. Listen to their cries. Protect them. Don’t let the powerful people drive us from our land.!”

I wonder if this prayer is on the heart of many people this morning. “LORD where are You? Don’t You see our pain? Don’t You see what they are doing? Punish them, O LORD, Punish their wickedness.” That hurt and frustration goes deep. Let’s pray for each other. Be there for each other. Yes, God Will work it out. But in His own timing. In the meantime, people need strength and comfort. So, PRAY!  Pray for The Israelites. Pray for Israel. 


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