Take Your Broken Heart to The LORD, SELAH!

Scripture For The Day 

 October 12th 2023

Take Your Broken Heart To The LORD - SELAH! 

David wrote this next Psalm, chapter 3, when he fled from Absalom his son. If you truly want to understand the Bible you need to understand what was currently going on during the time that the Books of the Bible were written. We know and understand that the Author of the Bible is God Himself and the writers were inspired by the leading of The Holy Spirit. But each person wrote from their own experiences with their own style. It took approximately 1500 years for the Bible to be completed and 40 writers. 1500 years makes for a lot of cultural and governmental changes. Psalm 3 begins with David feeling down and troubled. His son Absalom had stepped in and charismatically stole the hearts of the people. Absalom decided he would be a better king. So, through backstabbing and lies he took over. And in David’s sadness and grief over his son, and fear for his life, he fled for safety along with those who still stood by him. David then climbed the Mount of Olives, barefooted and weeping, and cried out to The LORD. And God heard his prayer. It’s heartbreaking when those you love turn against you. Betrayal is not something that is easily forgiven and definitely not forgotten. David was at his lowest. He was in despair.

But David knew Who to go to. He took his broken heart to The Lord. He reminded his heart that God was in control and that The Lord loved him very much. He began to sing Praises to God in the depths of his despair. He began Praising God on the battlefield of his troubled heart and while his focus changed, his heart was renewed.

But You, LORD, protect me. You bring me honor; You give me Hope. I will pray to The LORD, Who will answer me from His Holy Mountain. Selah- Pause and consider how important this is. I can lie down to rest and know I will wake up because The LORD covers and protects me. So, I will NOT be afraid of my enemies, even if thousands surround me. LORD get up, come and rescue me! LORD, the VICTORY is YOURS! You are so good to Your people. SELAH!

Don't let the enemy win if you are surrounded by trouble and overwhelmed by your broken heart. Remind your heart Who you belong to. Praise The LORD and change your attitude. SELAH!

Refer to 2 Samuel 15


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