There is Power in The Name of JESUS!

Scripture For The Day 

October 23rd, 2023 

"There is Power in The Name of Jesus!" 

O LORD our Lord, how excellent is Thy Name in all the earth! Psalm 8 sings about The Greatness of our God. He is The One in Control. When your world seems to be spinning off its axis- He is The One Who can calm things down. We are reminded that it all began with Him. He Created it all. My Love for Him is not about fear of hell. My Love for Him is a relationship with Him. Without Him I am nothing. Without Him, I would never have existed. Without Him, I would be most miserable. It’s personal. It doesn’t matter what others think or say of me. It doesn’t matter about a lot of things. What does matter is that Jesus came to save us and His Name is above all names. The smallest Praise, lifting His Name brings power. We don’t have any power on our own. But with JESUS? ALL things are possible!  `

 At our weakest, He gives us strength. He’s still in Control. What is man, that thou art mindful of him? Why are people so important to you, LORD? Why do you care? He cares because He Created us. He Loves us. We are special to Him. He sent His Son to become lower than the angels and crowned Him with Glory and Honor for our sakes. Refer to Hebrews 2:9. All power in heaven and in earth has been given to Him. refer to Hebrews 2:8. Currently, we are lower than the angels. But one day when we go to heaven, we will be raised higher than the angels. “O LORD our Lord, how excellent is Thy Name in All the earth!” This Psalm ends the same way it began- How Excellent is His Name. 

There is Power in The Name of JESUS!!!


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