Aijeleth Shahar


Scripture For The Day 

November 13th, 2023

"Aijeleth Shahar" 

Psalm 22 has David assigning this song to the director of the corporate worship stating it is to be sung or chanted by “Aijeleth Shahar” translated means by the hind of the dawn or “The Deer of The Dawn”. Made me think of how sometimes there are little songs for kids to learn and they often use the tune of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” for them to learn them better.

Psalm 22 is a cry of anguish and as per usual a song of Praise. And by the very first verse, we can read words that Jesus Christ, Himself, spoke on The Cross. Jesus often quoted scriptures. 

“My God, My God, why hast Thou Forsaken Me? (why art thou so) far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring?” You have no idea how deeply this verse spoke to me today. I woke up early this morning thinking of the word Forsake. So, as I type I am asking The LORD, “What are you bringing to my heart today?” to forsake means to abandon or turn against. Make sure you know the True meaning. Even though God didn't take all of David's troubles away, He never forsook David. Even if it felt like He had. 

O My God, I cry for You in the daytime and the nighttime and You don’t seem to hear me. But You are Still Holy and worthy to be Praised. David felt like the forefathers were more in tune with God than he was. And he began comparing himself to them. “But I feel like a worm, less than human! People look down on me and insult me. They make fun of me and mock me for my cries for help to You. But The Truth is God, You are The Only One Who brought me into this world. You make me feel safe, even as a young child. And you have been my God since the day I was born. So, please don’t leave me! Trouble is near and no one can help. My enemies surround me. My strength is gone. My courage is gone. As David continues, we can see scriptures that are also meant for Jesus Christ on The Cross. “They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.” Which was common practice but this parallels Jesus as most scriptures do. 

Don’t leave me. Save me! Rescue Me. Protect me! Because of You, Lord, I offer up my Praise and I will tell all the people about you until the day I die. And each generation will tell others about You. Seek The LORD. Trust Him. Get to Know Him. and Grow in Him. 


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