He Will Never Disappoint


Scripture For The Day 

November 16, 2023

"He Will Never Disappoint" 

David needs deliverance from his enemies and needs forgiveness from God. – Psalm 25 is an acrostic Hebrew Psalm; meaning that the verses are arranged according to the Hebrew alphabet.

O my God, I put my trust in You and I know You won’t let me down. My enemies may laugh at me. But no one who Trusts You will ever be disappointed. My disappointment comes from those who try to deceive me. (David is speaking to my heart this morning.  People wear me out and people will let us down) But not God. LORD, show me Your ways. Teach me Your paths. Show me how You want me to live. (Yes, LORD) You are my God, My Savior. Remember, O LORD, Your tender love and mercy. Don’t remember the sins of my past. You are So Good, LORD, instead remember me with Your Faithful Love.

The LORD is Good and Just. He shows us how to live. He teaches us how to be humble. He leads us with fairness and The LORD is kind and true to those who follow Him in All His ways. LORD, I have done many wrong things. But Dear Lord, please forgive me where I fail You. (YES, LORD) When people humble themselves to follow The LORD< He will guide them. They will be at peace and their children shall inherit the land. The secret of The LORD is with them that follow Him. I always look to The LORD for help. Only He can free me from my troubles. *Amen* Turn to Me, Dear LORD, for I am hurt and I am lonely. Show me mercy. Free me from my troubles. Help me solve my problems. Look upon my trials and troubles. Forgive me for all my sins. Look at my enemies; for there are many of them, and they hate me and want to hurt me. LORD, I come to You for protection. So don’t let me down. You are Good and do what is right. I Trust You to Protect me. God save the people of Israel- (today as well, LORD Help Israel)

Man, Oh Man, did that speak to your heart as much as it did mine? People will let you down. But not God. We can Trust in Him. We let ourselves down. We fail Him time and time again. But He is ever Gracious and Merciful and Forgiving. And we can Rest in Him. He won’t let us down.

Pray for each other. Pray for Israel. Stay true to The Word of God. Stay True to what You feel He leads you to do. and enjoy Peace and Rest in Him. He will Never disappoint. 


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