Let The Words of My Mouth


Scripture For The Day 

November 9, 2023

"Let The Words of My Mouth" 

Psalm 19 is a testimony of how the entire universe testifies of a Divine Creator. Men have searched the skies for stars, and the more they search, the more they find. It seems to be endless. Each new day is a continued declaration of the Glory of God. There is no place where The Glory of God cannot be seen. Even in its silence, His creation testifies of Him.

God’s Word is perfect. His Word gives strength. We can trust in His Word. His Word helps us grow. His Word is worth more than pure gold. His Word is sweeter than honey.  Good things come to those who obey His Word.  

Vs 14 is a verse that my husband learned as a child in Bible school one summer. This one verse has stuck with him his entire life and it speaks to my heart quite often. “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my Redeemer”

Lord, help us today to be mindful of the words we say and the thoughts we think.  Lord, remind our hearts that even when we fail You, You extend Your Precious Grace to us once again. Your Grace is never-ending.  Each day is a new day to begin again to grow closer to You. You see into our hearts. There is nothing we can’t hide from You. Thank You, Lord for Your Precious Grace that draws us closer to You every single time. Convict our hearts when we do wrong and show us the path that we need to be on. Guide us and Lead us in Your Righteousness. Let the words of our mouths, and the meditation of our hearts, be acceptable in Thy Sight, O LORD, my Strength, and My Redeemer.

Amen and Amen


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