My Strength Comes from The LORD

Scripture For The Day  

November 27, 2023

"My Strength Comes From The LORD" 

Psalm 33 is a call to Praise. I’m so thankful for His Word which gives me comfort and strength. My soul is so weary this morning. So, Let us Rejoice in The LORD this morning. And Be strengthened through Him.  

Rejoice in the LORD, good people, O ye righteous; for it is only right for the good people to stand up and Praise Him.  Praise Him with music. Praise Him with singing. God’s Word speaks often of praising God with music; instruments and singing. “Sing unto Him a new song; play skillfully with a loud noise.” A new song; a fresh Praise to God. It should never be about entertainment or wanting applause. Praise should always come from the heart. He doesn’t even mind if it’s a bit loud.

Why should we Praise Him? Verse 4 begins by telling us that The LORD's Word is True and He is Faithful in everything He does. He alone is Worthy to be Praised. He is The Goodness. He is Justice. His Love is ever Faithful.  By His Word, He Created everything. Only The Righteous have the right to Praise God. But all the earth should fear Him and Respect Who He Is. Without Him, nothing and no one would exist. He is in Control. If He says, “Stop!” – then it stops. He can change any plans that are made. But His plans last forever. The LORD looks down from heaven and sees all the people. He created us. He knows what each of us is thinking and doing. A king is not saved by a powerful army. A soldier does not survive on his own strength. Horses don’t bring victory in war. Their strength will not help us escape. It’s only from the Power of God. It’s HIS Strength. It’s HIS Power. It’s HIS Love. No matter how tough a situation may be; no matter how heartbreaking people are. No matter the circumstances; It ALL comes back to The LORD. We are all struggling with something. Find Strength in The LORD and REJOICE! 


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