On Christ The Solid Rock I Stand

Scripture For The Day 

 November 17, 2023

On Christ The Solid Rock I Stand

 A Song of David- Psalm 26 – David was being falsely accused. Ugh! I hate it when people get the wrong end of the stick and run with the rumor mill. It’s frustrating when you can’t tell your side of the story, or when people refuse to listen to The Truth. David kept defending himself, not out of pride but out of righteousness. Once again, He seeks The LORD for deliverance and promises to give God ALL The Glory!

LORD, You be the Judge over me and prove my innocence in this situation. Examine me, test me and try me. Look closely at my heart. I depend on Your Faithfulness. You are ever Loving. I don’t run around with troublemakers. I have nothing to do with dissemblers (hypocrites). I loathe being around evil people and I refuse to join in with them. LORD, I wash my hands of any guilt, so I can come to Your Altar. I Praise You with a voice of thanksgiving and tell everyone about Your Wondrous Works. LORD, I Love Your House and the place where Your Glory is. I Respect Your Sanctuary. Don’t gather me with souls of sinners. Don’t treat me like them. They are guilty of cheating people.

But as me, I am innocent; Redeem Me- Save Me. And be merciful to me. With You I am safe from all danger. You are my Sure Foundation.  And in the congregations, I will Praise The LORD.

No matter what anyone else says about you to your face or behind your back The LORD sees it all. He sees your heart. He sees their hearts. He is not fooled. He knows The Truth. Put your eyes upon Him and let Him handle it. It only matters what He says.

*My hope is built on nothing less. Than Jesus Christ, my righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ Name. On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand.*


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