The LORD is My Strength

Scripture For The Day 

 November 20, 2023

The LORD is My Strength

Psalm 27:1 is one of my favorite memory verses. “The LORD is my Light and Salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the Strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”

Jesus Christ is THE Light! With Jesus in our hearts, we have That Full Light and Light repels darkness. When the wicked try to eat my flesh, they stumble and fall. The enemy is destructive and vicious. David acknowledged that with The LORD he was confident in a victorious outcome. One thing David desired was that he would be able to dwell in the house of The LORD all his days. This is the desire of all believers. Within the safe arms of God, we are protected. Trouble comes and trouble goes. But we can find strength in the midst of the troubles with The LORD> Our security is in The LORD. Storms will come but we will Not be moved. Whatever happens let us sing and Praise The LORD.

Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me and answer me. My heart tells me to come to you. Help me, O LORD and don’t turn away from me.  David recognized how dependent he was upon The LORD. It’s important to acknowledge how precious life is and trust in Him. Life can change as quickly as the blink of an eye. But by the Grace of God, go I. He will never forsake us.

 Don’t be angry with my disobedience. Never forsake me. When my mother and father forsake me, then the LORD will take me up. Even if our nearest and dearest turn away from us, The LORD will NEVER forsake us. Teach me Your ways, LORD. Show me the right way to live. My enemies lie about me. They attack me. I Trust in Your Goodness. Verse 14 is another great verse to learn “Wait on the LORD; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say on the LORD.”

Wait for it… Wait for it… Trust in His timing. Trust in His Wisdom. He will give you strength. Again, David says, Wait on The LORD.

And Praise Him in the Storm. 


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